Porn Cuck
This erotic audio file will brainwash you to imagine yourself as the cuckold in every “vanilla” porn video you watch. You will seek out female porn stars that resemble your wife, girlfriend, and exes, and you will feel a deep “soul mate” connection to them. Whenever you watch videos of couples having sex, you will really feel like you are watching someone you are in love with getting it on with another man. You will even envision yourself as part of the scene; the helpless-yet-aroused voyeur, watching and masturbating to the object of your romantic affection getting fucked.
Your feelings of erotic humiliation become stronger as you listen. What at first seemed like playful fetish or fantasy becomes more realistic, as you become more acutely aware of your position as a cuckold. You begin to understand the shame of being sexually rejected and “friend zoned” by the women you desire, having no other choice than to watch and feel jealous and horny.
NOTE: Listen to this brainwashing file during your porn viewings, to enhance the effects.
Includes: erotic brainwashing, porn fetish, cuckold fetish, erotic humiliation
18:10 for $24.99
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Goddess Worship – NiteFlirt